Here's the illustration of how Bruno likes to climb. Last week in Gym they were climbing over the barriers. And I hate to brag but Bruno being the youngest was the only one to actually climb over. I'm proud :)
I took four photos. Here, in the far right the 10 year old twins Zach and Theo are:
Не удержалась и сделала ровно четыре кадра. Там напротив близнецы Зак и Тио, им по 10 месяцев:

The one year old Tegan is coming toward Bruno:
Навстречу лезет Тиган, ему в тот день исполнился год:

Smart Adriana (15 months old) is coming around the obstacles:

Smart Adriana (15 months old) is coming around the obstacles:
Хитрая Адрина (ей 15 месяцев) полезла в обход:

Bruno would've taken another barrier but somebody wouldn't let him:

Bruno would've taken another barrier but somebody wouldn't let him:
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