This guy was so fast that always ran out of the frame:
Вот очередная пачка собачьих фоток из парка.
Это чудо носилось настолько быстро, что из кадра постоянно выпадало:
His friend wasn't much slower:
Это чудо носилось настолько быстро, что из кадра постоянно выпадало:
His friend wasn't much slower:
А это чудо только чуть-чуть медленне (они вместе были):
And this one didn't run as fast as the two above but he did it very funny:
And this one didn't run as fast as the two above but he did it very funny:
Очень застенчивая щенулька 4х-месячная:
This pair was amazing. Almost everything they did was synchronized. Here they're looking at their human:
This pair was amazing. Almost everything they did was synchronized. Here they're looking at their human:
А это потрясающая пара. Они почти все делали синхронно. Смотрят на своего человека:
Guess why they stay down like that:
Guess why they stay down like that:
А тут они залегли, знаете почему?:
That is because their human stopped to shake a pebble out of her shoe:
That is because their human stopped to shake a pebble out of her shoe:
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