Finally Anna and I found time together to go for a walk in Marymoor Park. When we met we found out that our sons were wearing the same caps :)
The weather's been so good lately that I think that it's officially Spring now.
Michael has grown up a lot since last I saw him probably a month ago. Here he's showing off :)
Майкл так вырос пока мы не виделись (месяц, наверное, прошел?). Выпендривается :)

Anna is trying to direct him where we need to go. Michael off course has his own opinion on this subject:
Аня пытается направить его туда, куда нам кажется надо идти (у Майкла, естественно, свое мнение на этот счет):

In no time we found him exploring "the jungle":

In no time we found him exploring "the jungle":
Не успели оглянуться, как он ушел исследовать "джунгли":

After more than an hour in the carrier Bruno got tired and asked for freedom. We offered him a ride in Michael's stroller. At first he became very upset:

After more than an hour in the carrier Bruno got tired and asked for freedom. We offered him a ride in Michael's stroller. At first he became very upset:
После больше часа в рюкзаке, Бруныч устал и запросился на волю. Предложили ему прокатиться в Майкловской коляске. Сначала очень расстроился:

Glaring at me so accusingly:

Glaring at me so accusingly:
Смотрел на меня укоризненно:

But then he looked around and decided that it wasn't that bad actually. And the rest of the way on the birds path he spread his cheeks on the shoulders and was contemplating forest around him:

But then he looked around and decided that it wasn't that bad actually. And the rest of the way on the birds path he spread his cheeks on the shoulders and was contemplating forest around him:
Потом огляделся по сторонам и решил, что все не так уж плохо. Оставшуюся часть пути на птичьей тропе разложил щеки по плечам и задумчиво созерцал лес:

Lounging comfortably and genially grinning:

Lounging comfortably and genially grinning:
Развалившись по барски, этак добродушно лыбился:

When we came back to dog area he started hooting with delight and wave his arms.

When we came back to dog area he started hooting with delight and wave his arms.
I'll show the dogs later.
А когда опять вошли на собачью территорию, довольно ухал и размахивал руками.
Собак покажу позже.
Собак покажу позже.
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