Yesterday after his nap Bruno crawled somewhere. I found him in front of the TV with joystick in hands which Lech forgot to disconnect. He was sitting still drowsy after sleep (one cheek is redder than another), yawning and "playing" Lego Star Wars.

Something had happened on the screen:
Обрадовался. "Ура мне!":

New entertainment is to push his high-chair around. Jolie's been run over already.

New entertainment is to push his high-chair around. Jolie's been run over already.
Новое развлечение - катать свой столо-стул. Уже наехал на Жоли.

Finally he's learned to hit drum well. With his right hand:

Finally he's learned to hit drum well. With his right hand:
Млеет после особо удачного, как он считает, исполнения:

We went to the bedroom for a diaper change and when I went back to the living room Bruno stayed behind. So I listened and heard the strange and frightening sound of him sucking in the air with a whistle. I ran back and found him sitting on the floor, looking up, staring at the steam coming out of vaporizer and making ecstatic sounds. The flash didn't fire first but because of that you can see steam better:

We went to the bedroom for a diaper change and when I went back to the living room Bruno stayed behind. So I listened and heard the strange and frightening sound of him sucking in the air with a whistle. I ran back and found him sitting on the floor, looking up, staring at the steam coming out of vaporizer and making ecstatic sounds. The flash didn't fire first but because of that you can see steam better:
Сходили с ним в спальню поменять подгузник. Прихожу на кухню, а Бруно за мной почему-то не шлепает. Прислушиваюсь, из спальни раздаются странные (не сказать, страшные) звуки, как если кто-то со свистом втягивает в себя воздух. Несусь обратно. Пупс сидит на полу, задрав голову, пялится на пар, идущий из ароматизатора воздуха, и издает восторженные звуки. Вспышка сначала не сработала, за то хорошо видно пар:

That was so funny. I swear it looked like if he was going to bow:

That was so funny. I swear it looked like if he was going to bow:
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