Someday we had Tacos for the dinner. Bruno didn't want the filling but claimed the tortilla:
Разные житейские картинки. Мальчик и полезные навыки, так сказать :)
Как то на ужин ели Тако. Бруно отказался от начинки, зато захватил себе целую тортилью:

Chewed off the rim:
Разные житейские картинки. Мальчик и полезные навыки, так сказать :)
Как то на ужин ели Тако. Бруно отказался от начинки, зато захватил себе целую тортилью:

Chewed off the rim:
Первый огурец (в середине Августа! Ну и лето):

And this cucumber is recent (and as a bonus - one cat-nose and one cat-tail):

And this cucumber is recent (and as a bonus - one cat-nose and one cat-tail):
А это - недавний огурец (и как бонус - один котонос и один котохвост):

Tired of trying to brush dog's teeth:

Tired of trying to brush dog's teeth:
Принёс горшок, поставил возле Жоли. Тренируется садиться:

Why next to Jolie? Well, so that the fall was softer:

Why next to Jolie? Well, so that the fall was softer:
Зачем принёс к Жоли? Чтобы мягче падать было, когда коварный горшок мальчика роняет:

Unfortunately I didn't took the picture where he sits with both feet in the potty. Well he uses it as best as he can:

Unfortunately I didn't took the picture where he sits with both feet in the potty. Well he uses it as best as he can:
Недофотографировала, как он уминается в него. Обе ноги внутри, и садится на корточки в нём. Ну, как может, так и пользуется:

The diaper (clean!) on his head reminds me the judges in the wigs:

The diaper (clean!) on his head reminds me the judges in the wigs:
Подгузник (чистый!) на голове. Он мне напоминает судей в париках:

And in the middle of his forehead there's a mosquito bite. His reaction to this is similar to mine. Not very nice reaction.

And in the middle of his forehead there's a mosquito bite. His reaction to this is similar to mine. Not very nice reaction.
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