Bruno decided to diversify his menu and started eating veggies. Not that he's gobbling them up but still. Long time ago he ate them; then stopped eating them and limited himself to fruit (a lot), beans (good serving of them without any spices), soup (his favorite is buckwheat), pasta (understandable), bread (from time to time) and "me" (all the time).
We normally have few dishes for dinner and the boy circles the table helping himself to whatever he wants. And not that long ago he ignored vegetables. But now he eats them and I like it.
I cooked some soup and at the end put these broccoli florets for just couple of minutes. After that I fished them out and they were almost raw but juicy:
У нас обычно на ужин на столе несколько блюд стоит, и мальчик ходит вокруг и пасётся в тех тарелках, где ему приглянулось. Вот раньше он как-то игнорировал овощи, а теперь стал есть. Приятно, да.
Варила суп (если правильно помню, гороховый) и в самом конце забросила туда брокколи на две минуты. Они получились почти сырые, но сочные, пропитанные бульоном:

Sometimes he would come to me when I cook and ask for the snack. Then he squats like Gollum and eats. Here he's working on raw yellow cauliflower:

Red beans:
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