
Walking his Dad on the leash in Arboretum:
"Выгуливает" папу на поводке в Арборетуме. Или сам "выгуливается", судя по тому, с какой стороны карабин:

All following pictures were taken with iPhone. The next three are MyGym's. Leisure time on the sling:

All following pictures were taken with iPhone. The next three are MyGym's. Leisure time on the sling:
Все остальные фотки айФоном делала. Это в Джиме. На каждом классе есть время, когда вывешивают качели, - несколько обычных и одни "нестандартные". В этот раз была вот такая, похожая на сдвоенные санки. Все угорали с Бруныча, как он развалился в ней и балдел:

Climbed to the painted fir:

Climbed to the painted fir:
Вскарабкался но наклонной шведской стенке к нарисованной на стене ёлке:

I couldn't take the picture of the whole thing since couldn't go far from him. Even though he knows that he has to climb down "tushie first" he still often just steps or jumps down. Like that time - one second he's posing next to the tree; the next he's running to the edge:

I couldn't take the picture of the whole thing since couldn't go far from him. Even though he knows that he has to climb down "tushie first" he still often just steps or jumps down. Like that time - one second he's posing next to the tree; the next he's running to the edge:
Сфотографировать всё сооружение, по которому он лез, не смогла, потому что отойти от него далеко нельзя. Хотя и знает, что слезать надо попой вперёд, иногда просто хохочет и шагает/прыгает вниз. Вот и сейчас. Только что стоял, позировал, а в следующую секунду несётся:

Life is unfair. He wasn't aloud to run free at the farmer's market. Sad. Sad. :

Life is unfair. He wasn't aloud to run free at the farmer's market. Sad. Sad. :
Жизнь сурова и не справедлива. Не дали побегать по рынку. Грусть. Грусть. :

He was so sad that bit the squash:

He was so sad that bit the squash:
С горя укусил кабачок:

This is the accidental picture. We went to the Children's Museum and I was recording video with my iPhone. And accidentally took the picture instead:

This is the accidental picture. We went to the Children's Museum and I was recording video with my iPhone. And accidentally took the picture instead:
Это случайная фотография. В выходные ездили в детский музей, и я там снимала на видео с айФона (видео есть, но когда до него дойдут руки, не знаю)). Случайно сделала фотографию вместо видео:

We were walking on the grass in front of museum while Daddy went for coffee. Bruno's found the pretty leaf:

We were walking on the grass in front of museum while Daddy went for coffee. Bruno's found the pretty leaf:
А это перед музеем, гуляем по газону, пока папка за кофе пошёл. Нашёл листик:

And was marching in circles:

And was marching in circles:
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