Has just woken up. Or not? The ear is red after sleeping on left side. He's trying to separate dream and reality:
Только только проснулся. Или не проснулся ещё? Левое ухо отлежал - красное. Пытается отделить реальность от сна:

Look! Hair! hehe:
"Может, ещё поспать?..":

By the way, Bruno says good morning to the outlet on the wall almost every time he wakes up. He smiles and pokes it with his finger. Many months!

By the way, Bruno says good morning to the outlet on the wall almost every time he wakes up. He smiles and pokes it with his finger. Many months!
Кстати, на стене розетка, которой он почти каждое утро говорит что-то типа доброго утра, лыбится и тыкает в неё палцем. Уже много месяцев!

I was surprised by how he plays with his Mega Bloks. Not only he takes it apart but actually tries to build. Well, takes apart more, for sure, but builds!:

I was surprised by how he plays with his Mega Bloks. Not only he takes it apart but actually tries to build. Well, takes apart more, for sure, but builds!:
Вот уже месяц у него Мегаблок. Честно говоря, я не ожидала, что он будет не только разбирать, но и собирать. Не, разбирает, конечно, больше, но ведь и строить пытается!:

Finishing what I started. Don't lough! It's not easy, you know, to create something when you're constantly interrupted with commands like - use this one! put it here! take it off! give it to me!:

Finishing what I started. Don't lough! It's not easy, you know, to create something when you're constantly interrupted with commands like - use this one! put it here! take it off! give it to me!:
Достраивает мою конструкцию. Попрошу над ней не смеяться! Не очень то легко строить, когда тобой командуют - эту возьми! сюда поставь! разобрать! дальше я сам!:

Admiring the result:

Admiring the result:
Оценивает результат:

Nope, didn't like it. Took it off, put another one on its place. You'd think they're the same, but he thinks differently:

Nope, didn't like it. Took it off, put another one on its place. You'd think they're the same, but he thinks differently:
Не понравилось, снял, другую пристроил. Это только кажется, что они одинаковые, а ему вот по-другому видится:

And the first one's place is here:
А первая жёлтая вот тут должна быть:

But it's not as good with sorting shapes. He just tries to put the shape into nearest opening and then tries different one until it fits:

But it's not as good with sorting shapes. He just tries to put the shape into nearest opening and then tries different one until it fits:
А вот с сортером всё гораздо хуже. Сначала пытается просунуть в ближнюю, потом тыкает, пока не попадёт в нужную:

Ready for walk:

Ready for walk:
Гулять собрался:

Now he's trying to connect the cord not only to.. well.. everything he used to connect it but he also tries to insert it into outlet!:

Now he's trying to connect the cord not only to.. well.. everything he used to connect it but he also tries to insert it into outlet!:
Повзрослел, ёлкипалки. Теперь шнур пытается подключить не только.. ну ко всему, к чему раньше подключал, но и в розетку!:

Since he mastered opening the kitchen drawers it's been the usual picture to see him with some ladle or such. Well, his favorite hammer broke in half in his hands. He even tried to put it back together with such a sadness on his face.. Now he's trying to find the replacement:

Since he mastered opening the kitchen drawers it's been the usual picture to see him with some ladle or such. Well, his favorite hammer broke in half in his hands. He even tried to put it back together with such a sadness on his face.. Now he's trying to find the replacement:
С тех пор, как научился вскрывать кухонные ящики, вид мальчика с какой-нибудь очередной поварешкой в руках - обычное дело. Ну да, молоток то любимый сломался. Вот прямо у него в руках и отвалилась ручка. Он даже пытался горестно и удивлённо обратно половинки сложить.. Теперь приходится искать замену:

Sleepy baby on the deck:

Sleepy baby on the deck:
Сонный пупс выбрался на веранду:

Trying on the new backpack carrier. How is it going to look like for his parents to carry him on their backs (what can I say - this thing is great!):

Trying on the new backpack carrier. How is it going to look like for his parents to carry him on their backs (what can I say - this thing is great!):
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