Two weeks ago Michael with Anna and Sergey came to say Happy Birthday to Bruno. Bruno was cleaning the house before they came. Here he's brushing off cats' hair from the cats' couch:
Ага, ну вот, я такая шустрая, еще и двух недель не прошло, как я отчитываюсь. Майкл с Аней и Сергеем приходил поздравить Бруно с первым Днём Рождения. Бруно готовился. Счищал кошачью шерсть с кошачьего дивана:

Looks if there's a lot hair stack to the brush:
Показывает Майклу свой музыкальный столик:

Very funny how Bruno tries to mimic Michael. If Michael squats - Bruno squats too; Michael stands up - Bruno stands up as well:

Very funny how Bruno tries to mimic Michael. If Michael squats - Bruno squats too; Michael stands up - Bruno stands up as well:
Очень комично повторял за Майклом - если тот приседал, то и Бруно тут же приседал; Майкл вставал, Бруно за ним. Авторитет:

"Watch and learn from the professional"

"Watch and learn from the professional"
"Yeah.. I'm watching.. learning":
"Научился! Дай попробовать, а?":

"Well.. I don't know if you're ready.. Take the small ones and try":

"Well.. I don't know if you're ready.. Take the small ones and try":
"Ну, не знаю.. Мне кажется, ты ещё не готов.. На на маленьких потренируйся.":

The Mega Bloks Wagon was a gift from Michael. Bruno loved it!:

The Mega Bloks Wagon was a gift from Michael. Bruno loved it!:
Майкл принёс Брунычу в подарок тележку от Мегаблок. Совершенно классная!:

Here he's showing Bruno how the play with blocks:

Here he's showing Bruno how the play with blocks:
Показывает Бруно, как собирать блоки:

One more thing. Usually Michael sticks to Jolie at any given possibility but this time for some reason he was more interested in cats. Cats were not happy about it :)

One more thing. Usually Michael sticks to Jolie at any given possibility but this time for some reason he was more interested in cats. Cats were not happy about it :)
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