The Pileated Woodpecker is one of the largest woodpeckers of North America. It's actually the 3rd largest but unfortunately The Imperial Woodpecker and the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker are considered extinct. Well the search for the Ivory-Billed continues and there's even a reward for leading scientists to a living one.
At least the Pileated Woodpecker is the largest woodpecker I've ever seen :) First time I met him two years ago in the mountains. I couldn't come close but still was very happy.
А пока что Желна остается по крайней мере самым большим виденным мной дятлом :) Первый раз я его встретила в горах два года назад. Близко к нему было не подобраться, но я и так была жутко счастлива.

Интересная особенность. Ночуют они в дуплах с несколькими запасными выходами. Обычно, одна птица на дупло.
Клюв у них необыкновенно сильный. На следующих трех фотографиях (сильный кроп) видно, даже при таком ракурсе, как за несколько секунд он (это Он) выдалбливает здоровенную дыру. На первой (кстати, забавно он выбрал два сучка, чтобы держаться за них) видно щепки, скопившиеся у него в хвосте, которым он, как и положено дятлу, опирается на дерево во время "долбежа":

Here's a chip flying behind his back:

And here is a good example how they can bend their strong necks:

Their cavities are often used by other birds and even mammals as a home.
The next 3 pictures are the male on the tree behind my house. I think the pair lives in the small neighborhood park.
Следующие три картинки - самец на дереве за моим домом. Пара, думаю, живет в маленьком парке неподалеку. По крайней мере изредка я их там вижу вдалеке в те редкие дни, когда хожу туда гулять (скучно там круги нарезать, слишком уж крохотный парк).

This picture is nothing special but it's interesting to watch how this normally elegant and sleek bird is ruffles up in cold:

When he's come to our deck first time I jumped with joy. But only in my mind as I was afraid to frighten him. I photographed him through the glass doors. He spent only couple of minutes to check out the feeder and flied away. He was so cautious that it looked as if he was crouching.

Since then they come to our feeder from time to time (very rare). Recently we were visited by this lady. I couldn't decide what picture to post so here come 6 of her portraits.
The difference between male and female is that he has red forehead and res whisker along with red crest and female only has red crest.
Дальше идут несколько ее портретов. Не смогла выбрать один/два, как следовало бы, поэтому ставлю аж шесть. Отличие между парнем и девушкой в том, что у нее красный только хохол, а у него еще и лоб, и усы.

She's so tidy. Here she catches the crumb with her tongue:

She finished the suet very fast which is no surprise with such a bill:

Here you can also see her tongue. And her claws are very impressive:

And this is classic "textbook" woodpecker's pose:
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