Four days ago our coffee table stopped being a safe place for keeping things from the baby. Not even the very middle of it is safe any longer.
When he pulled himself up to the table he looked so pleased with himself that I can't just describe it. Even the photos wouldn't show a wide specter of emotions written on his face.
Моська у него была такая довольная, когда он первый раз встал к столику, словами не передать. Фотоаппарат сумел передать только часть огромного количества эмоций, которые пронеслись у него на лице за считанные минуты.

Got so bold that began wave one hand while holding another in his mouth. Somehow kept his balance:

Here I unintentionally shot Jolie stretching while climbing down from the couch. When she does that her hind legs get very straight:
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