It's been first time we let Bruno to explore the ground. He was totally ready for the real adventure.
Зайка был только рад быть брошенным на землю - так много там оказалось интересного на крохотном клочке земли.

"And what do we have here?":
Долго изучал шишку, перекладывая ее из одной руки в другую и обратно:

No matter how well you study the item by touching and looking at it there always come the moment when it's not enough:

No matter how well you study the item by touching and looking at it there always come the moment when it's not enough:
В изучении любого предмета всегда настает момент, когда обычного щупанья и созерцания становится маловато:

"Why not to put it in the mouth? Are you sure I shouldn't? Are you really positive that I shouldn't put it in my mouth??":

"Why not to put it in the mouth? Are you sure I shouldn't? Are you really positive that I shouldn't put it in my mouth??":
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