Sam stayed with us for almost two weeks so I ended up with lots of pictures.
Here's Grandma was watching TV and everybody else got drawn to her:
Почти семейный портрет, только я никого специально не рассаживала, они сами вокруг бабушки скучились:

"Ok, let's see if your license isn't expired":
Кто кого пересмотрит:

Sam liked cat's toy staffed with catnip. Catnip has calming effect on humans; stimulant for cats; and for Sam.. no effect I guess. Same old Sam-The-Funny-Guy :) Look how he made Bruno laugh:

Sam liked cat's toy staffed with catnip. Catnip has calming effect on humans; stimulant for cats; and for Sam.. no effect I guess. Same old Sam-The-Funny-Guy :) Look how he made Bruno laugh:
Очень Сэму понравилась кошачья игрушка, набитая кошачьей мятой. На людей эта мята действует успокаивающе, на кошек возбуждающе, на Сёму.. да никак вроде не действовала. Спокойней вроде не стал, безумней тоже - обычный такой Сёма-Дурилка :) Вон как Бруныча рассмешил:

"Let's exchange the massager I "borrowed" from Grandma for this thingy you stole from Cats":

"Let's exchange the massager I "borrowed" from Grandma for this thingy you stole from Cats":
"Давай меняться - я тебе массажер, который у Бабушки упёр, а ты мне эту штуку, котрую ты у Котов свистнул":


Бруно не обижался, даже когда получал пинка:

Neither Sam took offense for anything. "Look what I found!":

Neither Sam took offense for anything. "Look what I found!":
"Что ты нашел?":

Bruno isn't greedy - he gave what he found to Sam. It's hard to see from this angle but Sam has his tail in the mouth:

Bruno isn't greedy - he gave what he found to Sam. It's hard to see from this angle but Sam has his tail in the mouth:
Бруно не жадный, что нашел, то и отдал. Не зная, не заметишь, но во рту у Сэма хвост:

And the last one for today (I have more!) :)

And the last one for today (I have more!) :)
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