I took very few pictures of Bruno for his Birthday post. On Saturday we just went for lunch in Japanese restaurant, to buy a couple of toys, and to stop by at Microsoft campus to photograph my mom where I photographed my dad 7 years ago (I'll post these pictures a bit later).

And yesterday we went to Seattle Aquarium. The boy liked the fish:
А вчера поехали в Аквариум. Рыбы мальчику понравились:

He was so tired that fell asleep in the car on our way home and slept dressed after we arrived home:

He was so tired that fell asleep in the car on our way home and slept dressed after we arrived home:
Набравшись впечатлений отрубился в машине по дороге домой, так и досыпал потом одетым:

Suddenly he is old enough to take bath in our bathtub. And he has enough common sense not to breath in water. He learnt to splash his hands in the swimming pool and made lots of waves in the bathtub. Unfortunately I couldn't post most of the pictures because the young dolphin appears candidly naked on them :)

Suddenly he is old enough to take bath in our bathtub. And he has enough common sense not to breath in water. He learnt to splash his hands in the swimming pool and made lots of waves in the bathtub. Unfortunately I couldn't post most of the pictures because the young dolphin appears candidly naked on them :)
Как-то неожиданно стал достаточно взрослым, чтобы купаться не в детской ванночке, а в обычной ванне. И уже хватает соображения не вдыхать воду. В бассейне научился лупешмятить ладошками по воде. Такие волны поднимает. К сожалению, почти все фотки не годятся для публикации по причине откровенной наготы юного дельфина.

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