On Friday we went over to Anna and Sergey.
Finally Michael and Bruno have grown up enough to communicate with each other. Last time we got together Bruno was too boring for Michael and besides Bruno wouldn't get off my arms.
Наконец-то Майкл и Бруно доросли до общения друг с другом. Как-то так получилось, что последний раз мы собирались так давно, что тогда еще Майклу было слишком скучно с Бруно, который, к тому же вечером не хотел слезать у меня с рук.

Michael shows to Bruno how to play with his toy:
Жоли позорно отслеживала грушу, которую ел Майкл:

This is the firetruck we brought for Michael at his 20 months birthday:

This is the firetruck we brought for Michael at his 20 months birthday:
Пожарная машина, которую мы подарили Майклу на его 20тимесячье - типа юбилей все-таки :)

Bruno watches with such interest how deftly Michael handles the toy:

Bruno watches with such interest how deftly Michael handles the toy:
Бруно с такой заинтересованностью смотрит, как Майкл ловко со всем управляется:

As ever Michael loves Jolie:

As ever Michael loves Jolie:
"Ух ты.. Мастер!":

It's all right to play as long as you don't forget to check how well the house is baby-proofed:

It's all right to play as long as you don't forget to check how well the house is baby-proofed:
"What music do you have here?":
"А что у вас тут за репертуар?":

Michael is very agile. I wait with terror for Bruno to start climbing like that:

Michael is very agile. I wait with terror for Bruno to start climbing like that:
Майкл очень ловко залезает на стулья. С ужасом жду, когда Брун будет это делать:

Michael asked to turn on some cartoon for him. Bruno busily joined him (though not for long):

Michael asked to turn on some cartoon for him. Bruno busily joined him (though not for long):
Майкл попросил включить ему мультик на ночь. Бруныч деловито (хотя и не надолго) пристроился:

Michael was so lost in the cartoon that never saw Jackie who came to him:

Michael was so lost in the cartoon that never saw Jackie who came to him:
Джеки пришел пообщаться с Майклом, который ничего в тот момент кроме экрана не замечал:

Absently patted him:

Absently patted him:
Так, не отрываясь, и погладил Джеки по носу:

Bruno reappeared as soon as Michael got a piece of pear:

Bruno reappeared as soon as Michael got a piece of pear:
А когда Майклу дали кусок груши вместо пустышки, Бруныч тут же опять нарисовался:

"If I had pear I would share..":

"If I had pear I would share..":
"I want it very very much":
Майкл, как не замечал Джеки, так и от Бруно отмахивался, как от назойливой мухи:

"Leave me alone you little rugrat":

"Leave me alone you little rugrat":
"Да отстань же ты, мелочь пузатая":

All in all we had a great time. Our dogs and children got to spend time together and we took Grandma out.

All in all we had a great time. Our dogs and children got to spend time together and we took Grandma out.
Очень хорошо посидели. И собаки наконец-то пообщались, и дети. И бабушку вывезли в свет :)
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