For Bruno's 9 month Birthday Anna got him a toy where you need to drive the balls into holes with a hammer. It didn't interested him much but the hammer itself became one of his favorites. Not only one can carry it around and bang on everything but also to hold it high in the air victoriously; lift up his face with a spiritual impression; eyes roll up. Naturally, a viking with the war-hammer praising Odin. We have no idea where he got that from. But this is rather impressive especially with proper music:
Особенно эффектно это смотрится под соответствующую музыку:

About two weeks ago he got new quirk - to hold two items in one hand:
Примерно пару недель, как у него появился новый бзик - брать в одну руку пару предметов:

Cats climb higher and higher in their endless search of tranquillity:

Cats climb higher and higher in their endless search of tranquillity:
Коты в поисках покоя поднимаются все выше от пола:


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