Bruno is still sick. It's not as scary as it was first night and following day when his temperature was as high as 104. But it went down the next day and now he's getting better. He's never had runny nose and his cough is mild. Our doctor said that it happens with babies with good immune systems - they just burn the virus out with high temperature.
Well, he is much better but he refuses to leave my arms even for the short period of time. He mostly eats and sleeps which is good I guess :) But I can't photograph. So no new pictures. But I have two weeks old ones I haven't shown yet.
Every time Bruno crawls under Jolie my heart sinks. What if she steps on him?! So when it happens I ask her to freeze and pull the rugrat out. But that time I had a camera in my hands and quickly made a couple of shots.
Выздоравливать то выздоравливает, но с рук слезать категорически отказывается, где постоянно то прикладывается к груди подкрепиться, то поспать. Правильный, думаю, подход :)
В общем, новых фотографий пока нет, зато раскопала картинки аж двухнедельной давности.
Каждый раз, когда дитё заползает под собаку, у меня замирает сердце - растопчет. А вдруг кто в дверь постучит? - ломанет. В общем, я в таких ситуациях сразу прошу ее замереть и выковыриваю из-под нее поползня, но в тот раз в руках был фотоаппарат, так что сделала пару кадров.

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